Contributor: Melissa Kowalski. Lesson ID: 12550
What is it like to feel like you just don't belong anywhere? You just can't seem to win. Promises of freedom and a better way don't apply to you. Learn who unions really protected in the early 1900s!
Unions have had a long and complex history in the United States and worldwide.
Unions were formed by workers in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in reaction to the inhumane conditions in which they were often forced to work. For example, before unions fought for workers' rights and protections, children as young as five and six could work in factories and mines.
There were few safety precautions in plants, mines, and mills before unions, which often resulted in horrible injuries and many deaths among workers. Unions helped establish many safety rules and safer working conditions in manufacturing and industry today.
In Chapter 10, the narrator will encounter a union at his new job in the paint plant. Despite their push for economic equality, unions were not always supportive or welcoming to members from other races and ethnicities.
Read Labor Unions and the Negro: The Record of Discrimination to learn more about the history of unions' reception of black Americans. It was published in 1959, only a few years after Ralph Ellison published Invisible Man, and it describes the complex relationship between unions and Black Americans in the early twentieth century, including the period when the narrator encounters the union organization at his new job.
It is important to remember that in the 1950s, Southern Blacks were still living under Jim Crow laws that barred Blacks from doing many things that Whites could do, such as sitting at lunch counters in stores and drinking from the same water fountain. Even in the North, Blacks still experienced a lot of prejudice.
The article also uses the term "negro" to refer to Black Americans, which was a commonly accepted term at the time.
As you read, answer the following questions in the notebook or journal you keep for this series.
After recording your answers, check them against the ones below.
Reflect on these questions briefly in your notes and then read Chapters 10-12 in Invisible Man.
Continue using the copy of the novel in the format you chose to complete this series of Related Lessons (right-hand sidebar). If you do not have access to the novel, you may download Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison from the Internet Archive.
As you read, take notes in your notebook or journal on the narrator's experience with the union, as well as how his identity or sense of self is affected by his experiences at the paint plant, his hospitalization, and his time at Mary Rambo's apartment.
When you have finished reading and taking notes, move to the Got It? section to explore the details of these three chapters more closely.